Working with brands, factories, and workers for a safer textile and garment industry

The International Accord promotes workplace health and safety through independent safety inspections, training programs, and a complaints mechanism for workers.

A Safe and Sustainable Garment Industry

Our Mission

The International Accord for Health and Safety in the Garment and Textile Industry (International Accord) is a legally binding agreement between garment brands and trade unions to ensure worker health and safety in the textile and garment industry.

Serving as a framework, the agreement facilitates the implementation of the Accord’s Country-Specific Safety Programs (CSSPs), currently in Bangladesh and Pakistan, and lays the groundwork for potential future programs in other garment- producing countries.

“The signatories to the Agreement recognise that safe workplaces cannot be assured in the long term without the active participation of the people who work in them.”

Preamble, The International Accord for Health and Safety in the Textile Sector (November 2023)

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The Agreements

International Accord

Explore the 2023 International Accord framework agreement to know more about the principles, procedures, and policies that form the legal basis of Accord implementation.

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Bangladesh Safety Agreement 

Explore the Bangladesh Agreement on Health and Safety in the Textile and Garment Industry (Bangladesh Safety Program) which is an Addendum to International Accord.

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Pakistan Accord

Explore the legal basis for the Pakistan programs aimed at ensuring worker health and safety in the garment and textile supply chains of Accord company signatories sourcing in Pakistan.

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Brands, Factories, and Workers, Each Play a Role in Driving Workplace Health and Safety


Support and incentivise suppliers to meet health and safety standards.

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Implement and maintain fire, electrical, structural and boiler safety standards.

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Participate in programs with their representatives to ensure their own safety.

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How We Do It

The Accord promotes worker safety through independent factory inspections and remediation efforts, comprehensive safety training programs, the establishment of joint labour-management Safety Committees, and the recognition of workers’ rights to organise, refuse unsafe work and raise health and safety concerns.

Conducting Factory Inspections

All covered suppliers are inspected by specialised and independent engineering staff to identify fire, electrical, structural and boiler safety hazards.

Factory Inspections →
Monitoring Remediation

After initial inspections, factories develop Corrective Action Plans (CAPs) with the support of brands. Based on the identified safety issues, the remediation progress for each factory is regularly monitored and published online.

Remediation Progress →
Training Safety Committees

The Safety Committee and Safety Training Program promotes a culture of workplace safety by training joint labour-management Safety Committees and organising all-employee meetings to raise worker awareness.

Safety Committee and Safety Training Program →
Addressing Worker Grievances

Workers and their representatives can exercise their right to raise safety concerns or refuse unsafe work through an independent complaints mechanism. This mechanism provides a trusted avenue for workers to register their concerns in a timely, secure, and if they prefer, anonymous manner.

Complaints Mechanism →
Promoting Transparency and Accountability

Provisions such as full factory disclosure, public reports, an escalation procedure, signatories’ commitment to ensuring remediation is financially feasible and a complaints mechanism for workers ensure that signatories and factories remain transparent and accountable while advancing workplace safety.

Transparency and Accountability→

We're Making Good Progress Together

> 56,000

inspections at Accord covered factories


Safety Committee members trained


factories completed initial remediation

>2 million

million workers informed about workplace safety


complaints resolved

Views From Our Stakeholders

Views From Our Stakeholders

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