Factory Disclosure – Bangladesh

A list of all factories supplying Accord signatory companies in countries with Accord programs is published regularly. This page contains the disclosure lists for all factories supplying Accord signatories in Bangladesh.

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OECD side session: Expansion of the International Accord to Pakistan

The International Accord organised a virtual side session on 13 February as a part of the OECD Forum on Due Diligence in the Garment and Footwear Sector to discuss the challenges & opportunities for the recently launched Pakistan Accord.

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Accord Steering Committee member brands affirm their commitment to Pakistan Accord

Accord Steering Committee member brands BESTSELLER, C&A, H&M, Inditex, Otto Group, and PVH Corp. have signed the Pakistan Accord.

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New International Accord workplace safety program in Pakistan

Signatories to the International Accord are establishing a new workplace health and safety program in Pakistan covering signatories’ garment and textile suppliers.

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