Over 100 brands sign the Bangladesh Safety Agreement

January 24, 2024

A total of 102 global brands and retailers have so far signed the Bangladesh Safety Agreement with Fast Retailing Co. Ltd, River Island and Triumph & Sloggi, among the latest signatories.

The Bangladesh Safety Agreement took effect as an Addendum to the renewed International Accord on 1 November 2023. Signatory parties to Bangladesh Safety Program commit to the principles enshrined in the 2023 International Accord, and as stipulated in the 2013, 2018 and the 2021 Accord agreements on Fire and Building Safety in Bangladesh.

The inspections and remediation program, safety committee and safety training program, complaints mechanism, and reporting and disclosure requirements of the Accord are implemented in Bangladesh by the RMG Sustainability Council (RSC), which was established in June 2020.

We extend an invitation to all garment and textile brands sourcing from Bangladesh to sign the Bangladesh Safety Agreement and contribute to enhancing health and safety within the textile and garment industry.


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