Pakistan Accord Holds its first All Employee Meeting in Pakistan

November 28, 2024

On 26 and 27 November 2024 the Pakistan Accord conducted its inaugural safety training meeting in Pakistan at Union Fabrics (Pvt.) Limited, a home textile manufacturing facility located in Karachi. The meeting was attended by all employees of the factory.

Opening remarks

During the opening remarks of the kick-off training session, Kirstine Drew, Chief Complaints Officer at Accord Pakistan, first provided an overview of the Pakistan Accord program in Pakistan.

Zulfiqar Shah, Country Manager of Pakistan Accord, later addressed the attendees, underlining the importance of the Safety Training Program.

Training sessions

The topic of the training was ‘Rights and Responsibilities under the Pakistan Accord and Introduction to the Safety Committee’. During the training, Safety Committee members were introduced to the participants and given the opportunity to explain their roles and responsibilities for safety and health within the factory.

Six sessions were held over two days, with active participation from the workers. The sessions were led by three members of the Pakistan Accord Training team: Mr. Numair Aman, Mr. Abdul Qadir and Mr. Murtuza Ahmed.

All participants were provided with a booklet on the rights and responsibilities of workers under the Pakistan Accord. Posters and large Panaflex banners describing the role of the Safety Committee and providing contact information for the Pakistan Accord were posted in strategic locations throughout the facility, including the worker canteen, main gate, and assembly points.

The sessions were conducted in Urdu and all accompanying materials printed in Urdu.

The Pakistan Accord extends its gratitude to the management of Union Fabrics for its support in facilitating the first Pakistan Accord All Employee Meeting in Pakistan.


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