
Latest developments from the International Accord

RSC: Status of Safety Remediation in Bangladesh

View the progress & completion rates of safety remediation at factories supplying to Accord signatories. The RMG Sustainability Council (RSC) implements the inspections and remediation program since June 2020.

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RSC: Status of the Safety and Health Complaints Mechanism in Bangladesh

An overview of complaints received through the RSC Occupational Safety and Health Complaints Mechanism. The RSC implements the complaints mechanism in Bangladesh.

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RSC: Status of Inspections program in Bangladesh

View the status of the inspections program in Bangladesh implemented by the RMG Sustainability Council (RSC).

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RSC: Status of Safety Committee and Safety Training (SCST) Program in Bangladesh

View the status of the Safety Committee and Safety Training (SCST) Program implemented by the RMG Sustainability Council (RSC) in Bangladesh.

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Agreement on new, expanded Accord

Building on the Bangladesh Accord’s progress, garment brands and global unions reach agreement on new, expanded worker safety pact.

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International Accordin the news

Discover the latest news stories, reports, and media resources related to the International Accord. For any media queries and stories on the Accord programs, download our press kit or get in touch with the International Accord team.

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