Pakistan Accord: Supplier Briefing #4

May 29, 2024

Supplier Briefing #4

These Supplier Briefings are designed for all factories/suppliers listed by Pakistan Accord signatory brands. They include updates on key developments under the Pakistan Accord, along with information on upcoming events, guidance materials, and resources for suppliers.

We encourage all suppliers/factories covered by the Pakistan Accord to read these briefings regularly and to share their recommendations, ideas, and suggestions by contacting us via

This briefing includes updates on:

  • Number of Signatory Brands, Covered Factories and Workers
  • Program Rollout: Factory Inspections and Remediation 
  • Events: Brand Supplier Meetings in Amsterdam, Lahore and Karachi
  • Implementation: Capacity Building for Engineers, New Karachi Office 

Number of Signatory Brands, Covered Factories and Workers

At the time of writing this briefing, 122 global brands sourcing textiles and garments from Pakistan have signed the Pakistan Accord and committed to working with their suppliers to ensure workplace health and safety. The latest brands to sign the Pakistan Accord include Asda Stores, Concepts Sport, Royce Apparel Inc., Fanatics Apparel, Imagine One, Little King, Lorenz Bach, among others.

The Pakistan Accord signatory brands are headquartered in 18 countries across Europe, Turkey, the USA, Australia, Hong Kong, and Japan, and include some of the world’s largest clothing brands and retailers. Collectively, these brands source approximately US$3 billion worth of goods from over 500 suppliers in Pakistan that employ over 574,000 workers.

Program Rollout

Factory Inspections and Remediation 

46 garment and textile factories in Karachi, Lahore, and Faisalabad covered under the Pakistan Accord have undergone initial inspections for fire, electrical, and structural safety. The number of initial factory safety inspections will reach the 50 mark in the coming days. A factory becomes part of the inspections program in Pakistan when a brand signs the Pakistan Accord and lists the factory as a supplying facility.

These factories are being inspected against the Pakistan Accord Building Standard (Standard) that establishes minimum life-safety criteria to reduce danger to life from fire, structural, electrical, and boiler hazards as well as safety risks relating to the storage, use, and handling of hazardous substances.

Read the Pakistan Accord Building Standard here.

View the recorded launch of the Standard here.

Safety Training and Complaints Mechanism

Stakeholder consultations on the design and curriculum for the Safety Training and Complaints Mechanism are currently underway and will take further shape in the coming months.


Brand-Supplier Meetings in Amsterdam, Lahore and Karachi


The International Accord Secretariat organised a brand-supplier event as part of its All Signatory Meeting on 26 April 2024, in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Over 130 attendees participated in this event, representing a diverse range of stakeholders, including the Accord’s trade union, NGO, and brand signatories , the Pakistani manufacturing industry, the Pakistan Embassy of the Netherlands, and organisations such as the OECD and GIZ.

Manufacturers who participated in the first round of initial inspections held under the Pakistan Accord in October took the podium to share their experiences.

“At Lucky Textile Mills Limited, compliance is a reflection of our core values, not just a response to brand recognition or customer demand. The Pakistan Accord is a valuable framework to promote a safe and secure working environment for our workforce and ensure long-term sustainability. We emphasise the importance of Accord inspections in creating a secure and sustainable workplace for our employees, which also supports the future stability of our business. Thanks to the support of Accord brands and engineers, our experience during the first safety inspections at our factories was smooth and positive. We recommend that all relevant parties support the Pakistan Accord and leverage its expertise for the benefit of the Pakistani industry,” said Yasir Yaqoob, Chief Operating Officer of Lucky Textile Mills Limited.

Suppliers were invited to share their reflections, voice their concerns, and ask questions on how the Accord and its signatories can meaningfully engage with the Pakistani industry moving forward. Key takeaways included prioritising transparency and communication, facilitating financial planning and technical capacity-building, and addressing challenges for medium and small-sized manufacturers to meet Accord requirements.

Rehan Ahmendani (Executive Director, Synergies Worldwide) shared:

“The arrival of the Accord in Pakistan is not a challenge but an opportunity. It’s logical to understand that a safer workforce means more brands and, consequently, more business. The Accord is skillful and focuses on fostering strong business relations between brands and suppliers. Moving forward, I recommend that brands remain committed to the program and embrace new ideas to ensure worker safety, with a special focus on digitisation.”

During the meeting, at least three major brands and retailers highlighted that the Accord provides them with the necessary assurances and prospect of increasing their sourcing from Pakistan. Michelle Tarry (Vice President, Responsible Sourcing & Sustainability, AEO Inc.), shared:

“While our production in Pakistan has been limited thus far; our recent visits have left us impressed with the industry’s investments in safety infrastructure, sustainability, and innovation. In the coming years, we see significant growth potential in Pakistan and remain committed to the well-being of those making our products. The Pakistan Accord’s inspection program, training initiatives, and complaints mechanism will be instrumental in this journey.”

The Accord thanks all representatives from the Pakistani industry and looks forward to continuing an open and constructive dialogue to ensure the successful implementation of the Pakistan Accord for all concerned stakeholders.

Lahore and Karachi

Four Pakistan Accord signatory brands, Adidas, Boohoo, GAP and Primark, together with the International Accord and Pakistan Accord Secretariats organised a series of five brand-supplier meetings in Lahore and Karachi between 5-7 March 2024.

These meetings provided information about the Accord and its key programs, and aimed to enhance engagement between signatory brands and their suppliers covered under the Pakistan Accord.

Speaking about their participation in these meetings, Sam Leach (Ethical Compliance Manager, Boohoo Group) said:

“The Boohoo Group sees the Accord framework as a great opportunity for our factories, not only to improve their building, electrical, fire, and boiler safety standards but also to enhance worker safety standards as a whole. We have seen the great work done in Bangladesh over the last 10+ years and we look forward to continuing to collaborate with The Accord and other international retailers to improve factory standards. We are encouraged to see that all our suppliers recognise the importance of the Pakistan Accord and are fully on board with the program.”


Capacity Building for Pakistan Accord Engineers 

Fourteen newly hired engineers, comprising five fire engineers, five electrical engineers, four structural engineers, are undergoing training aimed at providing them with the technical knowledge and practical skills necessary to conduct factory inspections against the reports.

In this inaugural batch, engineers are undergoing training facilitated by international engineering consultants, alongside George Faller (Chief Safety Officer, Pakistan Accord) and Colm Quinn (Head of Operations, International Accord). The training program started in March 2024 in Karachi, Faisalabad and Lahore, and spans 9 weeks (with a two-week break over Eid). A second round of training will start for new recruits on 1 July 2024.

Read more about the capacity building program here.

New Pakistan Accord Office in Karachi 

The Health and Safety Accord (Pvt.) has opened a new office in Karachi, marking an exciting step for the implementation of the Pakistan Accord. The new office, located at Dolmen Corporate Tower in Clifton, will be the base for on-the-ground implementation of the Pakistan Accord’s safety inspections, worker training, and complaints mechanism programs.

Pakistan Accord Secretariat 

The Pakistan Accord is in the process of building local teams in Karachi and Lahore to effectively implement the Accord programs in coordination with covered suppliers/factories. The team has recently hired an occupational health and safety Training Specialist, two Complaints Mechanism Specialists, one Remediation Department Manager, three administrative staff, and three office assistants. Further recruitment of Engineers, Remediation Coordinators, and boiler safety experts is currently in progress. The leadership team for the Pakistan Accord Secretariat includes:

Zulfiqar Shah, Country Manager

Zulfiqar Shah is the Country Manager for the Pakistan Accord and CEO of Health and Safety Accord (Pvt.). In his role, he oversees the implementation of the Pakistan Accord in collaboration with colleagues in Pakistan and at the International Accord Secretariat located in Amsterdam. Zulfiqar has been associated with the Accord since April 2022, assisting the team with feasibility studies and stakeholder engagement leading up to the launch of the Pakistan Accord in December 2023. With a Master’s in International Relations, Zulfiqar has 30+ years of experience in management, research, advocacy, training, and stakeholder engagement, with a focus on business and human rights. Before this role, he worked as the Decent Work Country Coordinator with the Better Cotton Initiative (BCI). He is a member of the Sindh Human Rights Commission, the Occupational Health and Safety Council, and the Steering Committee of the Action Plan on Business and Human Rights in the province of Sindh, serving in an honorary capacity. Zulfiqar began his career as a journalist for English newspapers and magazines in Pakistan, and was honoured with the Lorenzi Natali Award.

George Faller, Chief Safety Officer

In November 2023, George became the Chief Safety Officer (CSO) for the Pakistan Accord to oversee the implementation of theindependent inspections and remediation program. With 35 years of experience in global engineering consultancy, George has previously managed diverse technical teams worldwide. His focus shifted to worker safety in global supply chains while leading fire engineering teams at Arup in Europe in 2013. He has since been involved in initiatives focused on improving building safety in the RMG sector across Bangladesh, India, Vietnam, and Ethiopia, including serving as Chief Technical Advisor with the ILO in Dhaka and as CSO for the RMG Sustainability Council (RSC) in Bangladesh.

Kirstine Drew, Chief Complaints Officer

Kirstine Drew is the Chief Complaints Officer at the Pakistan Accord. Kirstine joined the Accord on Fire and Building Safety in Bangladesh in 2019 and was responsible for the management of the Accord’s Safety and Health Complaints Mechanism. Kirstine is currently setting up the Pakistan Accord’s workplace program in Pakistan, which includes the Safety and Health Training Program and an independent Complaints Mechanism. Before joining the Accord, Kirstine worked at the Trade Union Advisory Committee to the OECD (TUAC) where her responsibilities included supporting the effective implementation and dissemination of TUAC’s work on the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises.

Related updates

Pakistan Accord: Supplier Briefing #4

This briefing includes updates on the number of signatory brands and covered factories, brand-supplier meetings, new Pakistan Accord office and the capacity building program in Pakistan.

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Day 2 Recap: Accord All Signatory Meeting 2024

Day 2 of the International Accord’s All Signatory Meeting was dedicated to fostering meaningful engagement between the Pakistani industry and signatories to the Pakistan Accord.

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11 years since the Rana Plaza collapse in Bangladesh

The Accord commemorates 11 years since the Rana Plaza collapse by remembering those who perished, those who were injured, and those who continue living with the impacts of one of the worst workplace disasters in modern history.

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Supplier Briefings - Pakistan Accord


Are you a factory listed by at least one of the Pakistan Accord signatories? Explore these supplier briefings to stay updated on various aspects of the Pakistan Accord, including updates on participating brands, the Pakistan Accord Building Standard, upcoming inspections, preparation guidelines, upcoming events, and more.

Are you a listed Pakistan Accord supplier or factory with additional suggestions on what you’d like to see in these briefings? Write to us at

Related updates

Pakistan Accord: Supplier Briefing #4

This briefing includes updates on the number of signatory brands and covered factories, brand-supplier meetings, new Pakistan Accord office and the capacity building program in Pakistan.

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Day 2 Recap: Accord All Signatory Meeting 2024

Day 2 of the International Accord’s All Signatory Meeting was dedicated to fostering meaningful engagement between the Pakistani industry and signatories to the Pakistan Accord.

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11 years since the Rana Plaza collapse in Bangladesh

The Accord commemorates 11 years since the Rana Plaza collapse by remembering those who perished, those who were injured, and those who continue living with the impacts of one of the worst workplace disasters in modern history.

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Day 2 Recap: Accord All Signatory Meeting 2024


The International Accord held its All Signatory Meeting 2024 on the 25 and 26 of April 2024 at the Rode Hoed in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. The purpose of the event was to update participants about the key developments on the operations and implementation of the Accord’s Country-Specific Safety Programs (CSSPs) in Bangladesh and Pakistan.

26 April marked the second day of the International Accord‘s All Signatory Meeting highlighted the Pakistan Accord and welcomed the participation of over 30 suppliers from the Pakistani textile and garment industry.

The event brought together global brands and retailers including Adidas, Mango, Primark, Lidl, Matalan, PVH, Puma, Zalando, Kik Textilien, GAP Inc, ASOS, AEO Inc. H&M, Inditex and Bestseller.

Participation from the Pakistani textile and garment industry included nearly 30 representatives. Additionally, this day saw representation from the International Apparel Federation (IAF).

The day began with opening remarks from Michelle Tarry of American Eagle Outfitters Inc (AEO) emphasising the key role of the Accord’s remediation plans and worker training in promoting and maintaining workplace safety at their sourcing facilities. Tarry further underscored AEO’s commitment to the Pakistan Accord, stating:

We are in a position to extend the achievements from Bangladesh to Pakistan. While our production in Pakistan has been limited thus far; our recent visits have left us impressed with the industry’s investments in safety infrastructure, sustainability, and innovation. In the coming years, we see significant growth potential in Pakistan and remain committed to the well-being of those making our products. The Pakistan Accord’s inspection program, training initiatives, and complaints mechanism will be instrumental in this journey.

Koen Oosterom and Zulfiqar Shah, offered updates on the operations of the Pakistan Accord, followed by a discussion on the inspections and remediation programs by the Accord’s George Faller, Colm Quinn, and Veronique Camerer who elaborated on the importance of planning factory remediation and the available tools to ensure that it is financially feasible for factories to correct safety risks.

The session concluded with insights from Zubaida Machiyara (Fashion Knit Industries) and Yasir Yaqoob (Lucky Textile Mills), who shared their experiences of participating in the initial inspections under the Pakistan Accord.

The panel on the Accord’s workplace programs featured observations by David Reiner (Zalando), Matthijs Crietee (IAF: International Apparel Federation), Christina Hajagos-Clausen (IndustriALL Global Union ), and Kirstine Drew (Pakistan Accord) who echoed the importance of collaboration among all actors in ensuring access to remedy through the Accord’s complaints mechanism.

The last session featured valuable recommendations from suppliers to implement the Pakistan Accord. Key suggestions emphasised prioritising transparency, facilitating knowledge exchange, nurturing business stability, and embracing collaborative models tailored to accommodate facilities of all sizes.

Muhammed Rehan Ahmendani (Executive Director, Synergies Worldwide) shared:

“The arrival of the Accord in Pakistan is not a challenge but an opportunity. It is logical to understand that a safer workforce means more brands and, consequently, more business. The Accord is skillful and focuses on fostering strong business relations between brands and suppliers. Moving forward, I recommend that brands remain committed to the program and embrace new ideas to ensure worker safety, with a special focus on digitisation.”

We thank our panelists, Azfar Hasan (Matrix Sourcing), Kaschif R. Israr (Euro Centra Pakistan), Aamir Chottani (CHOTTANI INDUSTRIES.), Muhammed Rehan Ahmedani (Synergies Worldwide), Michael Bride and Veronique Camerer for their invaluable insights.

Lastly, we thank all attendees for their openness, insights, and recommendations, which are crucial to effectively implementing the Pakistan Accord and contributing to a safer garment and textile industry.

We thank our moderator, Olivia Windham Stewart and the Amerpodia team for the organisational support on this event.

For more information, contact:

Related updates

Pakistan Accord: Supplier Briefing #4

This briefing includes updates on the number of signatory brands and covered factories, brand-supplier meetings, new Pakistan Accord office and the capacity building program in Pakistan.

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Day 2 Recap: Accord All Signatory Meeting 2024

Day 2 of the International Accord’s All Signatory Meeting was dedicated to fostering meaningful engagement between the Pakistani industry and signatories to the Pakistan Accord.

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11 years since the Rana Plaza collapse in Bangladesh

The Accord commemorates 11 years since the Rana Plaza collapse by remembering those who perished, those who were injured, and those who continue living with the impacts of one of the worst workplace disasters in modern history.

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Day 1 Recap: Accord All Signatory Meeting 2024


The International Accord held its All Signatory Meeting 2024 on the 25 and 26 of April 2024 at the Rode Hoed in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. The purpose of the event was to update participants about the key developments on the operations and implementation of the Accord’s Country-Specific Safety Programs (CSSPs) in Bangladesh and Pakistan.

25 April marked the first day of the All-Signatory Meeting in Amsterdam, where our brand, trade union, and NGO signatories came together to discuss the progress and way ahead on the International Accord and the Bangladesh Safety Agreement.

Set against the background of the 11th anniversary of the Rana Plaza collapse on 24 April, the day started with remarks by Christina Hajagos-Clausen (IndustriALL Global Union) and Joachim Juette-Overmeyer (Otto Group).

Dorothy Lovell (Sector Lead – Garment & Footwear, OECD Centre for Responsible Business Conduct), in her keynote address, underscored the Accord’s role as a flagship initiative that translates the OECD’s Due Diligence Guidance into action. She described it as a tool for accountability and an example of how due diligence creates impactful change by preventing harm, improving lives, and ensuring business continuity. Lovell added:

“…when brands jointly invest in the conditions for decent work in their supply chain, there are results, and those results are good for workers and business.”

The day included updates on the International Accord’s operations by Joris Oldenziel and Koen Oosterom.

Veronique Camerer and Kristine Drew conducted a session that encouraged brands to share their perspectives and insights on the steps they take to fulfill their obligations on financing remediation and the Accord’s workplace programs.

The RMG Sustainability Council (RSC)’s Abdul Haque, Shah Sefat Uddin Ahmed and Md Hassan Nawazis  shared a comprehensive presentation on the remediation progress in Bangladesh, highlighting key developments such as the expansion of the complaints mechanism and the envisioned environmental program.

The final session comprised reflections on the Bangladesh Safety Program by Miran Ali (BGMEA), Ineke Zeldenrust (Clean Clothes Campaign), Christina Hajagos-Clausen, and Joachim Juette-Overmeyer, followed by concluding remarks delivered by PVH Corp.’s Michael Bride.

We thank all attendees for their participation, and Olivia Windham Stewart for moderating the sessions. We are also grateful to our venue partners, the Amerpodia team for their organisational support on this event.

For more information, contact:

Related updates

Pakistan Accord: Supplier Briefing #4

This briefing includes updates on the number of signatory brands and covered factories, brand-supplier meetings, new Pakistan Accord office and the capacity building program in Pakistan.

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Day 2 Recap: Accord All Signatory Meeting 2024

Day 2 of the International Accord’s All Signatory Meeting was dedicated to fostering meaningful engagement between the Pakistani industry and signatories to the Pakistan Accord.

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11 years since the Rana Plaza collapse in Bangladesh

The Accord commemorates 11 years since the Rana Plaza collapse by remembering those who perished, those who were injured, and those who continue living with the impacts of one of the worst workplace disasters in modern history.

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11 years since the Rana Plaza collapse in Bangladesh


Today marks the 11th anniversary of the tragic collapse of the Rana Plaza building in Dhaka, Bangladesh, which claimed the lives of over 1,100 garment workers and left thousands critically injured. On this solemn anniversary, the Accord pays tribute to the victims, the survivors, and those enduring the impact of one of the most devastating workplace disasters in modern history.

Alongside our signatories and stakeholders, the Accord remains committed to ensuring that garment factory workers are safeguarded with a safe and healthy work environment as a fundamental principle and right at work.

We urge more brands to join us in this effort by signing the Accord and putting worker safety at the core of their garment supply chains.

For more information, contact:

Related updates

Pakistan Accord: Supplier Briefing #4

This briefing includes updates on the number of signatory brands and covered factories, brand-supplier meetings, new Pakistan Accord office and the capacity building program in Pakistan.

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Day 2 Recap: Accord All Signatory Meeting 2024

Day 2 of the International Accord’s All Signatory Meeting was dedicated to fostering meaningful engagement between the Pakistani industry and signatories to the Pakistan Accord.

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11 years since the Rana Plaza collapse in Bangladesh

The Accord commemorates 11 years since the Rana Plaza collapse by remembering those who perished, those who were injured, and those who continue living with the impacts of one of the worst workplace disasters in modern history.

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Start of capacity building program for Pakistan Accord engineers


March 28, 2024

Marking a milestone in the rollout of the International Accord’s country program in Pakistan, newly hired engineers are undergoing training. The capacity-building program aims to equip engineers with the technical knowledge and practical skills necessary to effectively conduct factory inspections and produce reports that identify remediation required under the Pakistan Accord.

The program is currently underway in Karachi, Faisalabad and Lahore, Pakistan, and spans 9 weeks (with a two week break over Eid). In this inaugural batch, 14 engineers (including 5 fire engineers, 5 electrical engineers, 4 structural engineers) are undergoing training facilitated by engineering consultants, alongside George Faller (Chief Safety Officer, Pakistan Accord) and Colm Quinn (Head of Operations, International Accord).

The Capacity Building Program

The capacity building program comprises two phases focusing on classroom and on-the-job training. The initial three days emphasise introducing engineers to key Accord principles, the Pakistan Accord Building Standard, and essential key safety inspections features. Additionally, classroom sessions familiarise engineers with key safety hazards to look out for during factory assessments, and capturing this key information in reports used to develop factory Corrective Action Plans (CAPs).

Following classroom sessions, engineers are currently undergoing a nine-week on-site building inspection and reporting training.

Factory Inspections

As part of the on-site training, trainee engineers joined the fire, electrical, and structural safety inspections at least 10 factories covered under the Pakistan Accord. Based on the complexity of the factories, these visits typically lasted one day.

The inspection day started with an opening meeting with factory management, followed by a walk around the building exterior and through all interior rooms and spaces. The team also conducted non-destructive testing as required, for example, measuring concrete hardness and thermographic scanning to identify electrical hotspots.

These initial inspections are part of the Pakistan Accord’s inspections and remediation program that began in November 2023. This recent round of inspections brings the number of factories covered under the Pakistan Accord to receive initial inspections to over 25 factories.


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Pakistan Accord: Supplier Briefing #4

This briefing includes updates on the number of signatory brands and covered factories, brand-supplier meetings, new Pakistan Accord office and the capacity building program in Pakistan.

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Day 2 Recap: Accord All Signatory Meeting 2024

Day 2 of the International Accord’s All Signatory Meeting was dedicated to fostering meaningful engagement between the Pakistani industry and signatories to the Pakistan Accord.

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11 years since the Rana Plaza collapse in Bangladesh

The Accord commemorates 11 years since the Rana Plaza collapse by remembering those who perished, those who were injured, and those who continue living with the impacts of one of the worst workplace disasters in modern history.

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Brand-Supplier meetings in Pakistan highlight collaboration opportunities on workplace health and safety


March 28, 2024

The International Accord Secretariat alongside the Pakistan Accord team organised a series of five brand-supplier meetings in Lahore and Karachi between 5 – 7 March 2024.

The purpose of these meetings was to to provide information about the Accord and its key programs for suppliers, and enhance engagement between brands that have signed the Pakistan Accord and their Pakistani suppliers. A supplier/factory becomes part of the Accord program in Pakistan once a brand sourcing from them signs the Pakistan Accord and lists it as a supplier.

The Accord team comprising presentations by Clara Kamphorst (Stakeholder Engagement Manager), Koen Oosterom (Head of Signatory Engagement), Veronique Camerer (Deputy Director, International Accord), Kirstine Drew (Chief Complaints Officer, Pakistan Accord), and Zulfiqar Shah (Country Manager, Pakistan Accord) shared insights on:

  • The health and safety topics covered under the Pakistan Accord.
  • The impact of the program for suppliers and the support available for them.
  • The features, programs, and reasons to participate in the Pakistan Accord.

The sessions were attended by over 100 Pakistani suppliers and Pakistan Accord signatory brands including Adidas, Primark, GAP Inc. and the Boohoo Group.

Speaking about their participation at the event, Sam Leach from the Boohoo Group said:

The Boohoo Group sees the Accord framework as a great opportunity for our factories, not only to improve their building, electrical, fire, and boiler safety standards but also to enhance worker safety standards as a whole. We have seen the great work done in Bangladesh over the last 10+ years and we look forward to continuing to collaborate with The Accord and other international retailers to improve factory standards. As a part of these collaborative efforts, the Boohoo Group and The International Accord organised two brand-supplier meetings in Pakistan for Boohoo Group suppliers and factories in Karachi and Lahore. These meetings were well received by the suppliers with follow-up expressions of gratitude. We are encouraged to see that all our suppliers recognise the importance of the Pakistan Accord and are fully on board with the program.

We thank all attendees for their participation in these meetings and look forward to our continued engagement.


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Pakistan Accord: Supplier Briefing #4

This briefing includes updates on the number of signatory brands and covered factories, brand-supplier meetings, new Pakistan Accord office and the capacity building program in Pakistan.

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Day 2 Recap: Accord All Signatory Meeting 2024

Day 2 of the International Accord’s All Signatory Meeting was dedicated to fostering meaningful engagement between the Pakistani industry and signatories to the Pakistan Accord.

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11 years since the Rana Plaza collapse in Bangladesh

The Accord commemorates 11 years since the Rana Plaza collapse by remembering those who perished, those who were injured, and those who continue living with the impacts of one of the worst workplace disasters in modern history.

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100 Global Brands and Retailers Commit to the Pakistan Accord


January 25, 2024

100 global brands and retailers have committed to the Pakistan Accord on Health and Safety in the Textile and Garment Industry (Pakistan Accord). Original Marines, Turner Bianca, S.O.K/ Group, Sun Garden,Tex Idea and MPL Home are among the latest brands to sign the agreement, which focuses on enhancing workplace health and safety in the Pakistani textile and garment industry.

The Pakistan Accord was established in January 2023 and is a Country Specific Safety Program (CSSP) being rolled-out as part of the renewed International Accord.

The Pakistan Accord covers all Cut-Make-Trim (CMT) facilities, namely Ready-Made Garments (RMG), home textile, fabric, and knit accessories suppliers, producing for Pakistan Accord signatory companies. Fabric mills will also be included at a later stage. Pakistan Accord signatory brands source from over 500 factories in Pakistan. Initial inspections at a first batch of factories supplying Pakistan Accord brands were conducted from October to December 2023.

Brands that sign the Pakistan Accord are committed to maintaining a long-term sourcing relationship with Pakistan and supporting their Pakistani suppliers in the journey to improve health and safety. We invite all garment and textile brands and retailers sourcing from Pakistan to sign the Pakistan Accord and contribute to a safe and sustainable textile and garment industry.


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Pakistan Accord: Supplier Briefing #4

This briefing includes updates on the number of signatory brands and covered factories, brand-supplier meetings, new Pakistan Accord office and the capacity building program in Pakistan.

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Day 2 Recap: Accord All Signatory Meeting 2024

Day 2 of the International Accord’s All Signatory Meeting was dedicated to fostering meaningful engagement between the Pakistani industry and signatories to the Pakistan Accord.

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11 years since the Rana Plaza collapse in Bangladesh

The Accord commemorates 11 years since the Rana Plaza collapse by remembering those who perished, those who were injured, and those who continue living with the impacts of one of the worst workplace disasters in modern history.

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Over 100 brands sign the Bangladesh Safety Agreement


January 24, 2024

A total of 102 global brands and retailers have so far signed the Bangladesh Safety Agreement with Fast Retailing Co. Ltd, River Island and Triumph & Sloggi, among the latest signatories.

The Bangladesh Safety Agreement took effect as an Addendum to the renewed International Accord on 1 November 2023. Signatory parties to Bangladesh Safety Program commit to the principles enshrined in the 2023 International Accord, and as stipulated in the 2013, 2018 and the 2021 Accord agreements on Fire and Building Safety in Bangladesh.

The inspections and remediation program, safety committee and safety training program, complaints mechanism, and reporting and disclosure requirements of the Accord are implemented in Bangladesh by the RMG Sustainability Council (RSC), which was established in June 2020.

We extend an invitation to all garment and textile brands sourcing from Bangladesh to sign the Bangladesh Safety Agreement and contribute to enhancing health and safety within the textile and garment industry.


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Pakistan Accord: Supplier Briefing #4

This briefing includes updates on the number of signatory brands and covered factories, brand-supplier meetings, new Pakistan Accord office and the capacity building program in Pakistan.

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Day 2 Recap: Accord All Signatory Meeting 2024

Day 2 of the International Accord’s All Signatory Meeting was dedicated to fostering meaningful engagement between the Pakistani industry and signatories to the Pakistan Accord.

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11 years since the Rana Plaza collapse in Bangladesh

The Accord commemorates 11 years since the Rana Plaza collapse by remembering those who perished, those who were injured, and those who continue living with the impacts of one of the worst workplace disasters in modern history.

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Join the conversation on a safer clothing industry